


簡單地說,使用外用類固醇來控制異位性皮炎可使症狀暫時消失,患者於是暫停外用類固醇,但不久後,症狀復發(而且變本加厲),這就是Rebound現象,而為避免Rebound現象再發而長期連續使用外用類固醇的狀態就是Steroid Addiction吧。那麼為甚麼會產生Rebound和Steroid Addiction呢?

Michael J Cork教授的有關Rebound現象和類固醇癮(Steroid Addiction)論文(上)

自Albert M. Klingman M.D., Ph.D的論文發表後,Steroid addiction,Rebound等概念惹起多個醫生和學者的關心,而現階段能夠對上述概念作出最有說服力的論文來自Professor Michael J Cork BSc MB PhD FRCP發表於2006年的New perspectives on epidermal barrier dysfunction in atopic dermatitis: Gene–environment interactions MJ Cork etc. J Allergy Clin Immunol Volume 118, Issue 1, Pages 3-21 (July 2006)Michael J Cork教授在文中指出“Topical corticosteroids are an important short-term treatment for severe flares of AD. However, if topical corticosteroids are used for prolonged periods and particularly on delicate skin sites, they can cause cutaneous atrophy and damage the stratum corneum. Prolonged use of topical corticosteroids might damage the skin barrier on delicate skin sites enough to enhance the penetration of irritants and allergens. This could provide the explanation for the phenomenon of posttopical steroid rebound and steroid addiction.”(短期的外用皮質類固醇對治療嚴重異位性皮炎的爆發固然重要,但長期在尤其皮膚纖弱部位使用外用皮質類固醇可以導致皮膚萎縮,破壞皮膚屏障[Skin barrier]和角質層。長期在皮膚纖弱部位使用外用皮質類固醇也有可能破壞Skin barrier而導致增強刺激物和致敏物的滲入。以上可以解釋外用類固醇用後發生的復發[Rebound]現象和類固醇癮[Steroid Addiction]現象。)

