
Gamila "Secret"?

Google一下就會發覺目前網上有許多關於Gamila Secret的訊息,也看到好像有不少的用家。大部分用家也同意是相當好的肥皂,但售很高,到底它怎麼好法呢?我們來看看它的secret吧。


Gamila Secret is made from a cocktail of no less than 15 fully-active wild herbs, borne in a base of Shea Butter and 6 pure vegetable oils, including 80% first cold-pressed olive oil.

含有6種純植物油,其中包括80%初榨橄欖油(捨得用初榨橄欖油的肥皂的確很少,是可圈可點的),至少15種活性野生草本藥和Shea Butter(乳木果油)。雖然不是絕對,也視呼用法,但Shea Butter有可能會堵塞毛孔,用在面部有機會導致白色荳荳的滋生。根據Gamila secret日本用家review,部份用家發覺使用Gamila secret一段時間後的確面上長出白色荳荳,身體其他部位則沒有。

The mixture of oils and herbs is cooked in a huge kettles for more than 40 hours. The herbs are added using a gigantic "tea bag", thereby creating a certain synergy. This interplay between the herbs is the real secret behind Gamila Secret. The process is one of controlled cooking, with ingredients being added at different moments to accomplish the best result. In fact, rather as a top chef might.

The emulsion is then poured out and allowed to dry, after which the hand-cut bars are left to ripen for a period of six months. Gamila uses only the purest naturally-occuring ingredients.

Gamila secret經過超過40小時熬製而成,繼而將製好的肥皂切塊,在空氣中自然抽乾水分這是典型的中東手工肥皂如Aleppo soap和我們的Olea Natural Soap等的製法。

• 100% natural, and totally free of synthetic substances such as preservatives, dye, emulsifiers, waxes and pore- clogging mineral oils.
• Based on vegetable oil, including 80% first cold-pressed olive oil.Also contains Sea Butter, grape seed oil, sweet almond oil, laurel oil, avocado oil and coconut oil, plus a cocktail of fifteen local herbs.
• Cleans the skin and stimulates its self-healing properties. Moisturizes and boosts skin elasticity.
• Not tested on animals.

Gamila secret100%天然,不經動物實驗,不含防腐劑,色素,乳化劑,蠟,礦物油,合成(synthetic)材料,清潔,滋潤皮膚的同時還助長皮膚自癒力和彈性,但這只是有機肥皂的基本條件而已。原料油脂還包括grape seed oil, sweet almond oil, laurel oil, avocado oil and coconut oil,不過sweet almond oil甜杏仁油)可能使部份人士皮膚過敏,而以coconut oil(椰子油)為原料的肥皂有抾油力過強的傾向。

Before using Gamila Secret you first need to activate the bar so that the living ingredients are released. For maximum cleaning and moisturizing effect, allow the emulsion to soak in for a minuet before rinsing it off. In the meantime, softly massage the emulsion in. Or take a restorative bath by simply letting the bar float in the water so that the herbs and oils can penetrate deep into your skin.

用前首先要激發Gamila Secret,將它的活性成份釋放出來。繼而以這乳狀物覆蓋身體約1分鐘後才過水,便可達到清潔,滋潤的最高境界。文章並沒有說明,但估計是讓肥皂接觸水分,將它的甘油(glycerine,是黏稠的的滋潤成份)成份釋放出來,這是較好品質的中東橄欖皂的共同點。由於這乳狀物不止是甘油,而還含肥皂,所以放置1分鐘可以理解,但時間過長則會洗掉太多皮脂,可能使皮膚乾燥。

Gamila Secret is suitable for use as a nourishing mask or to treat damaged or sunburnt skin. Rub the bar thoroughly into your skin and softly massage the resulting cream in, allowing it to soak in for several minuets before finally rinsing your skin clean.

將Gamila Secret塗上皮膚,以肥皂產生的乳狀物按摩皮膚使之滲透皮膚,擱置數分鐘後才過水,可有修復面膜的作用,甚至護理被陽光灼傷的皮膚。上面已經提過,肥皂再好也不應讓它在皮膚上擱置太久,否則只會抽乾過多皮脂,使皮膚乾燥。

Do apply moisturizer if your skin feels somewhat dry at first after using Gamila Secret. Within a short time you'll see the natural moisturizing capacity return to your skin, which will soon regain its normal balance.




